A story that is built with the public.




A play of open temporality and formats that go from the scenic to the audiovisual and that year after year will add new episodes.

The characters will be created from the stories of the public that will be collected. At the same time, the relationships of the characters and the plot will grow over time, crossing the aspects of the real life of each of the actors with the impact caused by seeking these bonds with the public. Putting the focus, in its first stage of creation, on people who have never been to the theater, this project will seek to generate the meeting of actresses and actors with people from the city who for various reasons do not know the spaces of the TGSM or have attended to see plays. Come over to bring them. Build with their memories amplifying this first relationship with the theater to an unexpected extent. Make room for them, create with them, invite them to be a part, not just to see.

Getting to their homes, workplaces, lives and shaping the character and history of the characters from that relationship/investigation.

A group of 6 actors and actresses, with the director and a film crew, will disembark in the various neighborhoods of the city where the theaters of the complex are located, to generate situations and encounters during the month of April 2022, as the first stage of the investigation. These crossings and encounters will be recorded in filming, photos and texts as a dramaturgical exercise, establishing in parallel a portrait/archive of these people and a study of the diversity of reasons why so many people do not experience theater as part of their possible daily enrichment. Later, in a second stage, we will begin to develop the story in rooms, screens and virtual media where the public will be able to follow a work that will talk about the passage of time and our ties, the invisible city, the life of the actors and their transformations and the impact of the invention on daily life of both of the creators and of the people.



People from the city of Buenos Aires and characters created for this new play cross their paths and dimension their stories seeking to enter the life of a wider audience.

The audience will see the characters in this play come out to meet them in various ways.

From the daily life of the people, through varied spaces, this team of actors/ethnographers will search for their identity in the public's own memory and as if life were a collage they will incorporate to create a behavior and a story, the most unique or trivial moments in the lives of the people around them. In a museum and a theatre, on the street and in people's homes they will outline pieces of a story that will grow over time. Artists that make up a company that travels a path towards the life of the public and displays all possible logics that cross the stories of invention and reality, time and the creation of life.



Stage 1


6 actors and a camera team together with the director and his assistant, go out to different points of the city to meet people, collect stories and intervene in various spaces of daily life.

For 6 days and at different times of the day.

The action is planned not only as a shoot but also with the character of urban intervention, making the deployment and people search communication visibles. From this same experience the actors will shape the first steps of their role. This edited material will be used as a document for research on people who never went or usually do not go to the theater.


Stage 2


The author together with a co-scriptwriter develop the texts for the series and the play. Taking as axis the investigation and the material of stage 1.

Definition of the spaces of the TGSM and audiovisual platforms to be used. In parallel, the pre-production of the shooting is developed.



Rehearsals, construction of sets that will be used during shooting and the play and filming.



1. Release of the first episodes.

2. Play / performance / other episodes in parallel.

3. Open Final episode





PRODUCTION: CTBA (Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires)

DISTRIBUTION: T4 Producciones Teatrales