t4/ OTHELO. TERMINA MAL/ Gabriel Chamé Buendia

Cuatro actores, especialistas en el teatro físico, el clown y el burlesco, interpretan la famosa tragedia de William Shakespeare, Othelo. En una puesta totalmente despojada de realismo cotidiano, el juego físico y el verso blanco del maestro inglés se enfrenta y se complementa en un lenguaje lúdico, hilarante y absurdo.

Notas de Prensa

" “An ingenious show, a goldsmith, with four splendid Argentine actors, a surprise from the last Almagro Festival. The Othello by Gabriel Chamé, clown and theater director, is that of Shakespeare but seen from above, with the perspective of the demiurge (as suggested by Don Estrafalario in The Horns of Don Friolera), with irony and humor, without that subtracting one iota tragically thick. Its performers change sex and characters in public view every two times three, in an abracadabrous fregolism exercise, and they give each other cakes and blows without showing the effort, like the protagonists of Chaplin or Keaton films: they dominate the language of the clown and joke with mathematical rigor "

Diario El País